Strategic Distribution

The companies with the widest strategic distribution are often the most successful because that distribution system gives them access to so many potential customers. Regularly the easiest way to grow your sales and profits is to improve your strategic distribution system. Adding retailers and increasing your accessibility in the web are two good ways to […]

Keeping Special Offers Special

A price cut is very easy to do, but is hard to undo. A special offer allows you to temporally discount your product in order to increase sales, while still maintaining the list price at its old level. When the offer ends, the list price is the same - you haven’t permanently given anything away. [...]

Psychology of pricing

To effectively implement Psychology of pricing  or change your product or service pricing, you must possess a clear understanding of how customers react to prices. Believe it or not, psychology plays a big role in this process. What you set as your price and how customers perceive that price can have a significant impact on […]

Designing Special Offers

Special offers are temporary inducements to make customers buy or try in the base of price. Regardless of the form that special offers appear, typically in a coupon, special offers give consumers or intermediaries a way to get the product for less than the list price. When we design a special offer such as a temporary […]


Designing your offer isn’t the hardest part. The biggest trick is guessing the redemption rate = the percentage of people who accurately use your coupon. You make the stakes when you use big offers, which makes them riskier to forecast. I love when clients say it worked for them “pretty well,” good luck pal I bet […]

8 Ways to Improve Your Brand Identity

Your existing brand name has some degree of brand identity and a certain amount of customer loyalty already. Often your best investment is to boost the strength of your brand image, improve your design or packaging. Doubt so takes advantage of any existing brand equity, which is easier than starting from scratch. Here is a […]