Entering the Hispanic and Latino market

The most expensive mistake in marketing is targeting the wrong audiences, you need to properly identify your target market, so you are reaching the right consumers. Once that you identify this, you always need to go deep on research. UNDERSTANDING THE BASICS First, it is crucial to know that there is a huge gap between [...]

Essential Tips for Event Planning in Business

So you have this awesome event coming up, you have it all figured out in your head.  Whether it’s an event for yourself, a family member, or that prospective client you’ve finally acquired the opportunity to work with, it can get a little tricky!   If you have it figured out, that’s fantastic, if not, […]

Next 4 Ways for Strategic Distribution

Expand your strategic distribution network.- if you can add distributors or get more of the ones you already have, you may be able to expose your product or service to more potential clients and increase your sales. Also, consider boosting your Internet sales, use more direct response marketing, and events & trade shows like those we offer […]

Strategic Distribution

The companies with the widest strategic distribution are often the most successful because that distribution system gives them access to so many potential customers. Regularly the easiest way to grow your sales and profits is to improve your strategic distribution system. Adding retailers and increasing your accessibility in the web are two good ways to […]