Expand your strategic distribution network.- if you can add distributors or get more of the ones you already have, you may be able to expose your product or service to more potential clients and increase your sales. Also, consider boosting your Internet sales, use more direct response marketing, and events & trade shows like those we offer at our ad agency. We know this very well, we specialize in direct response marketing.


More inventory more quickly. Increasing the availability of products in your strategic distribution channel can also help boost sales and profits. Can you find ways to get more inventory out there? Can you speed the movement of products out to customers so they feel they can more easily find your product when they need it? Make it more accessible?


Increase your visibility- another way you can use strategic distribution to boost sales is to increase the visibility of your product or service within your current distribution channel by making sure it’s better placed or better communicated. Many retail chain stores provide better shelving, such as end cap displays or eye-level shelving with a sign. Offer them special promotional discounts or accommodating advertising fees. Inform yourself on whether or not you can take advantage of one of their programs.


Target larger or more desirable customers perhaps you can find a way to shift your strategic distribution slightly so as to give you access to more lucrative customers. A consultant I know who helps small businesses with their hiring and employment issues is beginning to visit the human resources directors of large businesses in her area to explore what she can do for them. One contract with a big firm may be as valuable to her as 10 to 20 smaller clients, so this new effort to reach out to the largest companies in her area may grow her business significantly.


Think big and strategically. It seems very easy, but it’s not. Our marketing agency has been developing strategic distribution campaigns for our clients with excellent response. Businesses pretend to get the best response or better response by imitating the leader in their market, but at this point they’re running behind. That’s why new ideas make the difference between a profitable company and the ones trying to earn a piece of the pie. Pioneers and risk takers; make the difference and don’t be afraid to make the move! Give us a call we may bring ideas and strategies that fit and lower the risk for your company.