So you have this awesome event coming up, you have it all figured out in your head.  Whether it’s an event for yourself, a family member, or that prospective client you’ve finally acquired the opportunity to work with, it can get a little tricky!


If you have it figured out, that’s fantastic, if not, I have a few tips that might help better prepare you for the unknown. Regardless, leave me your feedback, I’d love to hear your thoughts!


Tip #1:


Have a vision and write down your goals in order to achieve them!


You may be thinking, “oh yeah! That’s obvious, of course I know exactly what I’m doing!” Yet, you’ll soon find that if you’re not outlining your goals, you’ll easily get sidetracked and can possibly lose all sight of your main purpose. Keep reminding yourself why you’re planning what you’re planning. Is it to bring awareness to an issue? If so, which issue? Who are key people who will help raise that awareness? What steps do you need to take to reach those key people? What type of media can you attain with your event? Is your issue newsworthy and how does it benefit those attending? These are all important things to consider.


Moreover, plan for the best & have a backup plan for the worst. We’ve all been there, a time or two, when things didn’t quite go as planned. The weather could cause delays/cancellations, there could be misinformation, or one of your vendors could suddenly back out from further working with you. Anything can happen! Which is why it is important to accept that things may not go as planned, but you MUST maintain a positive attitude to continue to push forward with a solution.


Tip #2


Know your budget – inside and out!


It’s important to understand how much money you have to allocate to each item – big or small! Expenses can quickly add up. Before you know it, you’ll be in the middle of booking your music system/entertainers but, with no stage to have them setup or perform. That’s definitely not a good way to start your event. People may get the wrong impression, as if you’re ill prepared and inexperienced.


Tip #3


Brush up on your organizational & Follow-up skills.


Event planning doesn’t have to be chaotic. You’ll be calling tons of people, visiting them, running into them, even texting with them. Just don’t let it overwhelm you. Take good notes of whom you have contacted, include a date and time if you must, I find that it really helps you remember the conversation. If you say you’re going to email something, do it. If you say you’ll visit them in person to further discuss the event, do that also. Your word is very important, so stay true to it!


Tip #4


Face rejection like a champ!


Yes you will call tons of people. Yes, it will be difficult at times. But, don’t let it get you down! Rejection isn’t a bad thing, they’re just not ready to join you in your vision. They may have had a bad previous experience. They may not understand your purpose, which is where you can change your message so they’re better able to understand it. Either way, know that you shouldn’t take it personal. Eventually, you’ll run into someone saying “Yes, count me in!” Just keep at it, it’ll get better. Also, don’t forget to truly pay attention to whomever you’re speaking with. Be kind & genuine, after all, you may not work with them on the project at hand, but, leave opportunity for the future.




Promotion is a big part of your project!


There’s no sense in having a great idea if you’re not able to draw awareness to it. Social media is an important component to promote your event with a budget of $0.00. Use it to your advantage; engage them – excite them! Involve those working with you to join in on sharing/re-posting/taking/hash tagging/ the event. Find a unique hashtag & use key phrases. Find out how you can incorporate it into what is trending on the current social feed.  Find out who your target market is! Ask yourself, “What is my target market doing? Where do they eat/shop? Study them so that you convey your message to them effectively.


Moreover, use social media it to engage the media, public figures, or anyone whom you think would be a great fit for your event. You can also call the media and invite them out to your event. The more engaging you are, the better!

More importantly, enjoy the ride!


It takes a special kind patience and motivation to deal with event planning. Deadlines will sneak-up on you, people will suddenly change their minds, and so much more can happen! Just keep calm & continue to work. Enjoy the moment; the rush it gives you is thrilling! Don’t forget to share that momentum with your team! The day your event arrives, be sure to have an organized and knowledgeable team with clear instructions. Assign teams to different tasks – they could be;  media/vendor check-ins, on-sight setup coordinators, time-management coordinators, or anything that is related to your event.


Also, have patience! Some people want the moon, the sun and the stars, with little to no expenses for them. This is why it’s important to understand the budget so that you know what is realistically achievable and what you’ll need to spend more time working on. Now, I’m not saying that all things are impossible, it’s just better to know what you’ll have to do to make it all a reality.


To sum it all up, know your plans and goals, work with your budget, promote, promote, promote, organize and follow up, and accept that some people will say “No.” Mistakes will be made; I’ve made them. I have learned from the best and am continuing to learn more, as will you. Therefore, take the learning experience in stride!


Until next time,


Mayra Cabrera