Manager Training Challenges

    It’s a fact: 20% of your managers training will do well no matter what you do, 20% will fail no matter what you do, and the remaining 60% will do well if you do the right things. In other words, the highest performers will succeed and the lowest will fail. But for the rest — […]

Tips to Boost Sales / Sign Ups

In order to boost sales and the response of your direct response marketing campaign, we recommend the following steps: Send a letter, special promotion, sank catalog, etc. to your mailing list often to check the quality of your list, you can insert the date & your addresses with the returns from the U.S post office. […]

Keeping Special Offers Special

A price cut is very easy to do, but is hard to undo. A special offer allows you to temporally discount your product in order to increase sales, while still maintaining the list price at its old level. When the offer ends, the list price is the same - you haven’t permanently given anything away. [...]

Designing Special Offers

Special offers are temporary inducements to make customers buy or try in the base of price. Regardless of the form that special offers appear, typically in a coupon, special offers give consumers or intermediaries a way to get the product for less than the list price. When we design a special offer such as a temporary […]