Let’s talk about Hispanic digital marketing campaign  in the first quarter, is a great time to analyze your 2017 and see where as a business you can improve on reaching your target audience and campaign goals. Use the New Year as an opportunity to also take what you are currently doing and taking it to the next level!

We’ve already made it clear that Hispanic marketing is nice to have AND a must have (can we link the last blog here) for the success of your campaign. Now, some of you are asking just how far or how much should you invest towards the Hispanic market? We’ve already covered the WHY, now let us take a closer look into the HOW. Digital marketing for the Hispanic Market is absolutely necessary and the return on your investment is definitely there.

First off, let me just say that digital marketing should definitely be a part of your campaign no matter who your target audience is. You can have all the resources like TV, radio, and print, but if you don’t have digital then you have already fallen behind your competition.

Whether we like it or not the digital world is where the majority is and as businesses we should learn to love it. Like any component of a campaign, we need to know where our target audience can be found, how they search for new products and services, and what types of messages do they react to? In taking the time to really think about this information and doing your research it will give you the ideal foundation to a successful digital marketing plan.

Where can we find the Hispanic market and where do they spend most of their time? When your campaign is targeting Hispanics, you must think MOBILE first! According to Lee Van, the Multicultural Marketing Executive, 45% of U.S. Hispanics use their phone to go online more than they use a computer, compared to only 38% of non-Hispanics. My favorite statistic for Hispanic digital marketing campaigns  he gave out was for older Hispanics, 37% say they are often using their cell phones while they are watching TV.

The television is on, and your commercial is running, but they are shopping or looking for services on mobile online! How ironic is that??  Online, and more importantly mobile online is where this particular market is and it is where you should be too!

There are two huge misconceptions about digital Hispanic marketing campaigns and reasons why a lot of businesses feel there is no need to spend digital dollars on the Hispanic market. The first is that Hispanics don’t take the time to look at online ads or spend enough time online in general. According to Google, (Think with Google, 2015) 66% of U.S. Hispanics say they pay attention to online ads – almost 20% more than general online population.

They are paying attention, you just have to put your ads there for them to see them! The other misconception is that all digital marketing has to be in Spanish in order for it to be effective. This is not entirely true, to have a successful digital Hispanic marketing campaign it is beneficial to have your digital ads in various forms of communication.  According to Google, 94% of digital U.S.

Hispanics are comfortable consuming English content online across at least online activity. U.S. Hispanics are all attracted to different messages, again just like your general market, but in this case if you put a touch of their culture in an English ad, it will have the same reaction as if the ad were in Spanish.

Google found that when an Hispanic digital marketing campaign ad includes aspects of Hispanic culture regardless of language, 88% pay attention, and 41 % feel more favorable about a brand that aims to be culturally relevant. Be consistent in your message, but be diverse in your delivery.

The Hispanic market spends the majority of their time online and click on those online ads. If your business wants a part of that 1.7 trillion dollar market then it is vitally important that you have a digital campaign. The bilingual, Hispanic market of the U.S. is a missed opportunity for countless businesses.

Don’t let that be you! If you are ready to dive into Digital Hispanic Marketing or a Hispanic Digital Marketing Campaign in general, and have questions on how to get started, don’t hesitate and contact us TODAY!