Essential Tips for Event Planning in Business

So you have this awesome event coming up, you have it all figured out in your head.  Whether it’s an event for yourself, a family member, or that prospective client you’ve finally acquired the opportunity to work with, it can get a little tricky!   If you have it figured out, that’s fantastic, if not, […]

New Google Algorithm 2015

Official news on crawling and indexing sites for the Google index Thursday, February 26, 2015 Finding more mobile-friendly search results Webmaster level: all When it comes to search on mobile devices, users should get the most relevant and timely results, no matter if the information lives on mobile-friendly web pages or apps. As more people […]

Dopamine Your Business Marketing

It’s common knowledge that we shouldn’t go to the supermarket when we are hungry. We always end up buying too much and buying things we don’t really need. We buy too much because everything we see, we want to eat now… Because we’re hungry, that’s obvious. But business owners do the same at slow seasons […]

Online Advertising, What to do?

Online advertising is the newest and most popular way to advertise because it works! Even though it may seem like it has been around forever and you can’t remember a time when you didn’t check the web for something, it’s still fairly uncharted territory for many businesses. Not only small businesses, even the Fortune 500 companies […]

Why You Should Start Blogging

  Blogging became more popular as soon as google began reading your site in order to get higher rank in its search engine, but journalists use it to share their news, ideas, and above all opinions. Blog topics run the gamut, but they almost always have the following features. The basics: They’re graphically very simple […]