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Building a online brand presence in today’s market is ever-changing! Technology is evolving at such a high rate that if you’re planning your online brand presence for tomorrow, you’re already behind.

This is why it’s important to plan in longevity purposes. Of course, it’s not possible to know every coming change or evolution, but when everything is constantly changing, you can at least plan for your own type of change. Remind yourself that it’s important to evaluate the market and then evaluate how your business stands against it.

Be open to the possibility of growth and creativity. Just because something is currently working for you, doesn’t mean that it’ll always work or that it can withstand the ever changing market/economy. People change their habits often, even their wants and needs change. Your target market may be the same demographically, but their thought process is evolving. There are many more influences around them that they take into consideration before making decisions. As a business, it’s important to anticipate this. and your online brand presence will thank you for it.

For instance, the millennials are a fast growing group. According to an article published by Amanda Lenhart, an associate director of research at Pew Research Center, titled Teens, Social Media and Technology Overview 2015, states that, “ 92% of teens report going online daily — including 24% who say they go online “almost constantly.”

You may be wondering why this is important to your business since they’re teens and probably not YOUR target market. Well, it’s actually a very critical component to know for your business to continue on a path of growing success.

You see, if you’re target market now are those ages 21-35 then these millennials WILL be your target market in about 5 years.

Which is fast approaching! Are you ready for their habits? Will you be able to reach them in the way that they are most easily accessible? You have to consider that they won’t respond to advertising efforts of the past, or even those that you may be using now.

They rely heavily on technology and social media for just about anything. According to the article, “Facebook is the most popular and frequently used social media platform among teens; half of teens use Instagram, and nearly as many use Snapchat…71% of teens use more than one social networking site.”

Also, the study shows a correlation between their choice of social media outlet and house hold income, see figure 1:online brand presence

This information is important to know because it gives you a good idea of who they are now. It helps you better understand their circumstances and how income affects a person’s choice of social media use.

It takes time to conduct research of this magnitude, but luckily, you have access to it on line via Pew Research.

You may not have time to conduct a market analysis or to consider these factors, but they are crucial components of success.

Surround and build a team that is both creative and knowledgeable. Assure that you’re not only properly implanting today’s ideas and thoughts, but that you’re preparing yourself for the future. Anything can change at any given moment, just prepare to conform yourself to it.

Social media and internet marketing are great tools to help achieve and reach internet-savvy consumers and bring your online brand presence ahead. SEO & SEM are tech tools used to help create a presence online and or improve your online brand presence, as well as drive people to your website/social media accounts.

You can create internet campaigns to engage your consumers, it’s important to familiarize yourself with these outlets now, so that you’re better able to manage them when the millennials become your market.

Think about this, did you go on your phone to search for what to have for lunch yesterday? Did you maybe go online and see pictures of food and beverages that influenced your decisions on what to eat? Did you see a really funny video that you shared with your friends, which then lead them to share it, and so on and so on? Social media and the internet are powerful tools. Do not close yourself off to them. Use them to your advantage!

Remember, do your research and don’t be afraid to do new things. At 11-11 Media, we’re always here to help!

For more information, view the article here.

Until next time,